Friday, March 19, 2010

200th Post!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is my 200th post on the blog! I thought that- for this very special occasion- I would reminisce over some of my favorite posts/situations that have occurred while writing this blog.

1. Remember apartment #1 and the catastrophes that befell me?
2. Registering inPoltava: always a joy.
3. Most infamous story.
4. First volunteer team from Auburn. War Eagle!
5. Celebrating Easter.
6. Fellowship at church.
7. The Great Birthday Celebration 2009!
8. The 100th blog post.
9. Volunteer team from HUNTSVILLE!
10. Best Worst bus stories of the summer.
11. All-night graduation party.
12. Amiee stayed for 2 months!
13. Huntsville volunteer team #2. Click here.
14. Roma's and Tanya's wedding.
15. Jumping the train with Kat.
16. Meeting Olya's grandfather.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Congratulations! I have been very impressed with your blog updates, they have been so informative, interesting, & consistent!