Saturday, March 20, 2010

Auburn Day 4

For Auburn Day 4, I tagged along with Rachel's group to the Agrarian College. Rachel and her group were fantastic; they hadn't used the Transportation lesson yet, so I got to participate in that lesson yet again. I'm SO a pro at transportation now.

Rachel preparing the Jeopardy board; such flashbacks to the zillions of times we played this game last year.

Hannah (far left) and Priscilla (middle) with the girls they worked with in class #1.

Team Agrarian College: Mike, Nastia, Rachel, Hannah, Brian, and Priscilla.

Hannah, winning the crowd over with pictures and stories about her family.

Our evening program wasn't thematic or overly structured but was totally fantastic. We had "rotating conversation coffee house" night. Or something along those lines. We were able to spend a lot of time getting to know the students. It was great.

Tanya, Rachel, and Ira. Friends.

Allison (far left) and Courtney (orange scarf) hanging out after English club #3.

Josh spending time with Ivan and Vitaly.

Priscilla visiting with new friends.

Rachel (the other Rachel), Dasha, and Lesya.

Brian skillfully working the crowd (with Nastia's help, of course).

Miss Renee with her new friends.

Me and Maya being ourselves.

Our team: East Central Ukraine. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Steve and Darcy Palmer said...

Good job Erin and Rachel! Good job Auburn team!