Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Say something in Russian!

I did a post a little while ago about Ukrainian food. Another comment I get from home is "Say something in Russian!" I thought that I'd provide a crash course (of sorts) in Russian.

The thing about studying Russian is that you can't really study it the same way you would a romance language. Just because you learn the conjugations, don't be fooled into thinking that you can conjugate any verb based solely on that knowledge. There are a lot of irregular verbs. Also, whereas English uses syntax (word ordering) to indicate part of speech, Russian uses declensions (the changing of the endings of words) to do that job. So, you can put words anywhere you want in the sentence, but you have to use the correct ending. Get it?

I've decided that, unless you're going to live here for a long time, it's more practical to learn questions, answers, and phrases. It helps quite a lot; it saves you a lot of time, trying to stand there and conjugate things in your head.

So, for your enjoyment (or at least, your education), here is some Russian for you:

1. здравствуйте: This is the formal way of saying hello (for your elders, neighbors, professionals, people you don't know).
- pronunciation: ZDRA-stvwee-tyeh
2. Привет: This is the informal way of saying hello (friends, students, small children).
- pronunciation: pre-VYET
3. Как тебя зовут?: What is your name? (this is the informal version)
- pronunciation: Kak teb-YA za-VOOT? (to make it formal, substitute "VASS" instead of "teb-YA")
4. меня зовут_______.: My name is_______.
- pronunciation: men-YA za-VOOT _______.
5. как дела?: How are you/ how are things?
- pronunciation: kak de-LAH?
6. хорошо: good/well
- pronunciation: KHA- rah-sho (be sure to roll your "r")
7. Да: Yes
- pronunciation: DAH
8. нет: No
- pronunciation: NYET
9. Спасибо: Thank you.
- pronunciation: spah-SEE-bah
10. пожалуйста: 1. Please 2. You're welcome. 3. Here, you are. (as in, when handing something to another person)
- pronunciation: pah-ZHAL-sta
11. Я не понимаю.: I don't understand.
- pronunciation: Ya nyeh pah-nyeh-MYE-you.
12. Я не говорю по-русский.: I don't speak Russian.
- pronunciation: Ya nyeh gah-vah-RYOU pah-ROO-ski.
13. Я из Америки.: I'm from America.
- pronunciation: Ya eez ah-MEH-ree-kah.
14. извините: Excuse me.
- pronunciation: eez-veh-NEE-tyeh
15. Приятно познакомиться.: It's nice to meet you.
- pronunciation: Pree-YAHT-nah poz-nah-COH-meet-tsa
16. Pадa вас видеть.: I'm happy to see you.
- pronunciation: RAH-ah VASS VEE-dit. (This is the formal version; you can substitute "teb-YA" for "VASS" to make it less formal)
17. Сколько?: How much?
- pronunciation: SKOL-kah?
18. Где туалет?: Where is the bathroom? (This means the toilet room, which is usually different/ separate from the sink/tub room.)
- pronunciation: gh-DYEH twah-LYET?
19. Как сказать по-русский _________?: How do you say in Russian_________?
- pronunciation: Kak skuh-ZAHT pah-ROO-ski?
20. Помогите мне пожалуйста?: Could you please help me?
- pronunciation: Pah-mah-GHEE-tyeh MNYEH pah-ZHAL-sta?

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this AND that you have been practicing saying these phrases out loud for the enjoyment of those around you.


Jaclyn.... said...

Ok, so Russian is the second language here, but Armenian is definitely first and foremost, so I only know a few Russian words. However, I recognized almost everything you wrote!

Keep speaking! :)

Mary Ann McMillan said...

it was so great to read this and to practice russian. i dont get to read , hear or speak russian here!