Monday, July 27, 2009

Hunstville Invasion of Poltava 2009


I've been very remiss in updating my blog. However, I feel as though I've had a fairly decent excuse. This past week, I've been working with a volunteer team from my home church in Alabama!

Here's a synopsis of what the team did:
1. Sports clinics for American football, basketball, and baseball.
2. Cheerleading and crafts for those not inclined to play sports.
3. Prayerwalking around Poltava.
4. Evening awards programs for the day campers.
5. Loving on the people of Poltava.

We were able to love on, spend time with, and share the gospel with over 60 people for four days in a row. This team was phenomenal; no whining, no complaining, and lots of commitment. They made an impact on those they were in contact with, and they are welcome back here any time they want. I hope that you enjoy the pictures (sidenote: I didn't actually get any action shots of the sports or the awards shows each night...I know. I fail.)!

Kristen and Nastia telling the story of Esther to the girls.

Amiee (in the shadows) teaching the "Hoedown Throwdown" to the girls. They LOVED it!

Action shot.

Some of our musicians in front of the music college.

Explaining some of the concerns and prayer requests of Poltava.

Amiee and Kyleigh praying for the city.

Brassart family photo in the bowl of 'golushki'.

Kyle, Adam, Amiee, and Katy at the overlook of Poltava.

"Prayer sitting" with Dad.

Adam praying over Poltava.

Kyle praying.

Team photo: American smiles.

Team photo: Ukrainian 'smiles'.

"We love Alabama, yes we do!" Send-off from the church youth.


Jaclyn.... said...

yay :)

Looks like you had a great time with loved ones from home! I particularly liked the action shot of you on the phone :)

Leslie said...

I have just discovered your blog and really enjoyed it. In the past few minutes I've seen several people I know! I live in Auburn and grew up in H'ville going to Whitesburg. :) My husband and I adopted our son from Ukraine, so what you are doing is dear to my heart. :)