Monday, July 6, 2009

Back to your regularly-scheduled programming...

...sort of. It's summer (obviously) so I'm not exactly back to my normal routine. However, I am joining in with the summer workers and some of the ministries they've been participating in while I was globe-trotting. Today, we went to the children's hospital for orphans recovering from tuberculosis. Page told the Christmas story, and then we split into two groups: sports and crafts. I don't do sports, so I'm not 100% sure of what they did. I think they played baseball and did some relays. Maybe...

For crafts, Mindy, Tuesdae, and Page pre-made these envelope things that look like presents. The kids colored pictures of the nativity and glued it inside the "present." They had a blast! Each present then had a Bible verse (in Russian) glued to the back. They are supposed to try to learn it for next week. My favorite part of today was when Page asked if anyone remembered the verse they learned last week; one little girl stood up and said the entire thing, word for word. She's already hiding His Word in her heart...even if she doesn't know that's what she's doing.

Kids singing along with Mindy

Everybody singing "This is the Day" in Russian

Boys doing crafts. They were very into it.

Little friend.

Tuesdae participating in crafts. She was actually in charge of crafts, so maybe she's setting the example.

This little one is about to be adopted by a family from another oblast in Ukraine.

*These videos are courtesy of my iflip: thank you, Peddycoarts!

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