Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Run-Around

So, since I've arrived here, I've heard a lot about bureaucratic run-arounds; I've heard about how the old Soviet system of red tape and too many workers for one job is still alive and well. When I was at training, we even had a simulation of this.

Today, I experienced this system: I have to be registered as a resident of Poltava.

Let me set the stage: wet and chilly. The snow is starting to melt, so everything is slick and slushy (lots of sliding around). There is mud everywhere, and the wind was merciless.

I met Andrei (one of the leaders of the church) at the church this morning, and we proceeded to the "passport" office. We waited in "line" for about 30 minutes before shuffling into the first office. We were then told that we needed to go wait in front of another office. In that office, we waited on two people to sift through several logs so that they could tell us which office we needed to go for next. In that office, we found that we needed to go back to the second office. In there, we got a slip of paper and were sent back to the first office. In there, we found out that we had to go back to the second office (again) and then we would have to go across town.

We started out across town, and I found out that we were going to have my passport officially translated into Ukrainian. Andrei asked if he could do it, but apparently, it has to be done by a certified translator. We made the trek across town, up four flights of stairs, and found a locked door. After finding the translator, I shelled out a stash of cash, and we found out that we would have to wait for an hour and a half to get the translation.

We also found out that I have to have Ukrainian insurance in order to be registered. So, we left the translator's building and went to an insurance office. In the insurance office, we got through the prelimenary stages before the insurance lady decided that we couldn't proceed until the translation of my passport was finished.

Ergo...hours later and nothing to show for it. Yea.


Jaclyn.... said...

1. Congrats on the hands-on girls! I am happy for you (and also a little jealous!) :)

2. Don't ya just love the "Run Around?!" NO!!! Been through the passport translation thing....apparently my name is a toughie.

3. I miss you!

Twila said...

I think there is a sitcom named "The Office" (I don't watch it). . .but what a comedy of errors committed by "The Office!" Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of getting a driver's license by way of the neurologist and orthopedist . . . and then waiting four weeks until 3 other people went in to have their photos made because they couldn't "waste" the other three slots on the page where my DL photo was taken . . . and railroad crossing signs in a country with no railroads . . . Loved it anyway!!!

Unknown said...

Erin, this is a fantastic story!

Also, I am sorry that this happened. I stood in line for half an hour yesterday to get my passport. Good times. I also had to go to 2 different places to get my picture taken. This is NOTHING compared to your story, but I can KIND OF empathize- and I'm so sorry!