Sunday, February 7, 2010


Thoughts that ran through my head today:

1. Today is the last day of presidential elections for Ukraine. One candidate is a man (Yanukovich) and one is a woman (Timoshenko...current prime minister). No one seems to think too much of either of them. I don't know much about either, and what I do know isn't really positive. Keywords: prison stints and mafia. Yippee.

2. At church, it is very common to have two sermons within the service. The services are never less than 2 hours, so they have plenty of time. For our first sermon this morning, we ended up standing the whole time. It was almost 20 minutes. Orthodox believers always stand; Orthodox churches don't even have pews or chairs. However, let me just say that I cannot pay attention while standing. I start a stream of consciousness something like this: man my legs are tired. I wonder if my knees are locked. don't they say that if you lock your knees and get overheated you'll pass out? oh wow I'm also hot. does this mean that I'm about to pass out? if I pass out what will it feel like the second before I go down? if I go down will I whack my head on the pew? If I do that will they make me go to the hospital?

Basically, I don't hear anything that's being said, and all I can think about is how much more focused I'd be if I was seated.

3. Today is the Super Bowl. Until about two days ago, I didn't know when the Super Bowl was or who was playing. I LOVE SEC football. I don't care at all about the Super Bowl. I just like the food. So, I decided to make snacks, invite friends over, and watch "Remember the Titans." It's football-related.

4. The grocery store was out of normal milk; all they had was buttermilk. Does this happen in the States?

5. The sun came out today, and it was lovely. I had to ice skate to church, but the sun was pretty. I've had a constant headache for almost 4 weeks. I think it's barometric pressure-related. It's been awful- feeling wretched every day. Today, however, I have not had one. Victory!

That's all for today. I think...


Unknown said...

They generally keep the milk stocked here...

bo said...

Funny, in the UK they always run out of buttermilk. At least I can make that if needed. Although, there have been times that the only milk left was strawberry-flavored milk. Do people really drink that?