Friday, February 26, 2010

Perpetual Student

One Ukrainian friend that has become very dear to my heart is actually one of the teachers that I work with. If you'd told me when I first got here that I would come to love her so much, I would have rolled my eyes at you (I'm a very accomplished eye-roller, right Susu?). But, it's true: I just love that Margarita Mendeleevna!

She's been an English teacher at the Road-building Technical College for 42 years. She came here to teach after graduating from university in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and she's been here ever since. She has a real love for her students and wants them to become the very best that they possibly can. My favorite part about her? She's always on the prowl for more knowledge about the English language!

Her English is really quite excellent. She speaks in a very formal, proper way, having learned English under the Soviet system. Her accent and much of her vocabulary is British (you would not believe how much British I've learned to speak since moving here! And, yes, I call it "British"- not "British English."). Her favorite activity? Reading John Grisham novels. She's read tons of them and is always searching for new ones.

Can you find her? She wanted to be in the picture but not anywhere near the foreground!

I spend every Friday in her classroom. Throughout the rest of the week, she makes lists of questions to ask me about English nuances or about idioms she's run across and the most appropriate way to use them. I truly enjoy explaining them to her and watching her face as understanding dawns. She's such an inspiration to me; she's in her late-60's and still thrives on learning. Just try telling her that she knows enough about English and shouldn't waste her time!

A few of my favorite Margarita-isms:
1. "He enjoys going to the gym to work out and pump." (I realized she knew the phrase "pumping iron.")
2. "There was a disgraceful photograph of one government official on the beach- only wearing strings!" (I figured out that she meant he was wearing a speedo.)
3. "Erin, I wanted to check with you about some of the grammar in this book. I am quite proud of myself and fancy that I have caught some mistakes!"

She's truly a blessing in my life, and I will miss her very much. I wish you all could meet her!

1 comment:

Mamichka said...

Our dearest Margarita! Remembering good times with her brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing how precious she is!