Tuesday, February 24, 2009

4 Months

Today marks four months that I've been in Ukraine. Sometimes, it feels like I have been here for an eternity, and sometimes, it feels like I just got off the plane (especially when conversations get a little too over my head). Thanks for the support over the past 4 months!

To answer a question I received yesterday: yes, there is also a Women's Day. Women's Day is one of the biggest holidays in Ukraine. It's kind of like Mother's Day and Valentine's Day put together PLUS it's not just for women who are mothers or who are in relationships: it's for ALL women.

Facts learned about Men's Day:
Originally, this day was set aside to honor the men who had served in the Soviet Army (Veteran's Day-esque). When Ukraine became independent, the day became "Day of Defenders," meaning that any man who defends someone or something can be honored. I like the new name.

I received a Men's Day present yesterday, oddly enough. I go to the same store every time I need light bulbs. I've kind of made friends with the saleslady. She likes to help me practice my Russian. The owner was in the store with her yesterday, and she introduced me as "our foreigner." He began practicing Russian with me, too. I started to sweat, but I actually knew the vocabulary I needed and managed to squeak by. In return, in honor of the day, he gave me a box of matches that sports a picture of a tough-looking tank on the front. I have a matchbox defender now.

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