Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I apologize for the delay in updating...I've been busy with my family! Yea! They arrived a week ago today, and we've been scampering all over Poltava for the past week. If you're friends with Amiee on Facebook, she's put up about a zillion pictures, documenting the week.

I would like to say thank you to several people for the wonderful Christmas gifts and cards:
the Rufes
the Benefields
the James
the Romines
the Rufe Sunday school class
the Peddycoarts

There are many more who have been so incredibly supportive and generous- I'm so sorry for not naming you by brain is filling up with Ukrainian information, and sometimes other information just doesn't stick.

I hope that everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas!


Delete My Account said...

Erin! I just wanted to say that I miss you and I hope you are doing wonderful! I am so glad your family could come and visit with you!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you had a great family visit! And a merry christmas. I miss you dearly.