Sunday, November 9, 2008

End of week 1 in Poltava

Week one is coming to a close, and I'm still alive and kickin'!

Here are some highlights:
1. I got to attend part of a youth conference. So neat to see the same things that go on at home go on here...only in Russian and Ukrainian.
2. Prayer meeting: it warms my heart to be with other believers, all praying in our own heart languages. Some prayed in Russian, some in Ukrainian, and one in English (that would be me.)
3. There are some potential opportunities to work in some schools that I wasn't planning on. I'm praying those opportunities will continue.
4. I got a cold. That wasn't the good part; the good part was that two Ukrainian friends came over to check on me, and they brought bananas and orange juice. Such great encouragement.
5. I heard from so many friends and loved ones from home. Thank you!

Hopefully, I'll update again soon. With pictures.


Jaclyn.... said...

glad you had a good 1st week! Today marks week 3 for me. :)

Sorry 'bout the cold. But anything's better than the ilc stomach virus!

Senegal Daily said...

Thanks for the update.

Looking forward to the pictures!

Tiffani said...

So sorry that you got a cold, Kenzie and I both have colds right now too! Hope you are feeling better, and so glad that you had a good week! Looking forward to pictures!
With love and prayers,
Anniston Goulets

Jamie said...

Glad that 1st week was encouraging. Sorry about the cold.

Unknown said...

erin, i'm glad you had a good first week in ukraine- even though it was a really long time ago. also, it warms my heart that they brought you a banana and orange juice. they loved you from the beginning- but then again, who wouldn't?