Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The goodbye life

My former roommate (Molly) and I used to talk a lot about how our lifestyles- that of international workers- are just full of goodbyes. It's such a neat life for the majority of the time. There are so many priceless experiences and incredible people that filter in and out and make an impact on your life.

The wretched part is saying goodbye.

There's no real permanence of people physically being present. My life is so at that point. I've spent the past 8 weeks forging relationships that are unlike any others I've ever made. I've spent every waking moment with approximate 342 other like-minded people. We all have the same purpose and share many of the same struggles. We've all been through the same classes and experiences here. The hard part is knowing that I may never see many of them again. Yes, we'll stay in touch, but most people eventually lose touch.

There's no way to solve it; it's just the way it works.

The neat thing is seeing how the Lord is faithful to use those relationships to build and strengthen...even if it's only for a season.

love you, FPO friends.


Molly said...

Dear Sweet Erin, my heart goes out to you as you say your farewells. My prayers will be for ease and grace and for fond remembrances. I understand and will be hurting for you as well. But I know you will glean and keep only the positive. I love you! And somehow also our goodbye lives.

Jamie said...

Hope you are having a good week!

Unknown said...

remember that some people you are sad to say good-bye to, and others... not so much...

i am sad that you had to say so many goodbyes, but think about what an amazing prayer card collection you have! in your nifty book! but i am sad that your life lately has been all goodbyes and shots.