Saturday, September 13, 2008

Loooooooooong week

It's been a really long week. I still have several hours to go before it's all over. This week has operated on the following schedule: 8-5 Monday through Friday and 8-4 today. You may note that today is, in fact, Saturday. I'm so tired.

We're getting great training this week, but it's taking the life out of me. There's been lots of hands-on activity and intense discussions/ lectures. I'll be thankful to go back to a normal week next week. However...we do get shots again. Bummer.

Sorry that I haven't updated much this week; I've been pretty exhausted. New lesson on Ukraine coming soon...


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Hang in there! You're almost finished... We're all excited about you getting over here!! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for new lessons. I am a consistent follower and learner.

Unknown said...

you're so close to being done!!!!

but class on saturday should ALWAYS be illegal!