Saturday, April 3, 2010

Union Day 4

Unlike most of our student projects, the Union group conducted evening English clubs Monday- Wednesday. We usually do them Tuesday- Thursday, but because this was Passion Week, we readjusted the schedule so that everyone could attend Maundy Thursday services (commemorating the night Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper among Believers). So, our last day, we were in classrooms, but we didn't have English club that night.

My group had a two-hour break in between our two classes on Thursday. Nastia and I took the gang around Poltava, showing them the sights. I forgot to take many pictures- sorry!

This team was fantastic. They were such troopers through all of the obstacles and were able to accomplish a lot of work. It was a privilege to work with them!

Elizabeth and Elena (professor)

My group and their favorite class of the week!

Stealing the Lada! Good thing the Ukrainians convicted these guys on Mystery Night- they were right!


Jaclyn.... said...

Oh, NO! Not the LADA! :P

Sounds like it's been going well!

Steve and Darcy Palmer said...

Looks like another fun and productive week! Too bad you all ended up with colds, though.

Steve and Darcy Palmer said...

Congratulations Union and Auburn, you made the ПУСКУ English Department news page