Friday, April 2, 2010

Union Day 3

Day 3 arrived, as did a slough of coughs and runny noses for the group! They were such wonderful sports, and I didn't hear one single complaint! They loaded up on cold medication, packed their tissues and cough drops, and headed into the fray. Those of us at my school (Team A/ Team Rock and Roll) introduced a new lesson on Day 3, which was excellent, seeing as we had a "repeat class" of students from Monday. Thankfully, on this day full of coughing and nose blowing and exhaustion, the Lord provided necessary energy to make it through class, and my team had a class cancellation, which allowed for some rest/down time! And, our second class of the day only had 3 students!

Evening program #3 was another "coffeehouse" night, full of conversation and games. The students- American and Ukrainian- were able to spend a lot of time visiting with our new visitors and friends, making connections. It was an overall great evening!

Pamela and Cassie discussing "happiness" with one of the groups.

Kevin, leading a group in discussing "fears."

I took this picture merely to capture the fact that the sun was still up at 20 til 7!

Some of the gang!

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