Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ukraine keeping me green

I know that there are all kinds of tips and ideas for living a more eco-friendly life. Little did I realize when I moved here that I was being plunged into a lifestyle of greenness! Now, most of the time, I find my Ukraine-imposed greenness a little annoying, but knowing that I'm helping to make a contribution to the well-being of the world placates me just a smidge.

1. Reusable shopping bags.
I carry my own bag with me to the grocery store. The primary reason for doing so is that the cashiers charge you for grocery bags, and I rebel at that thought. However, I've become really accustomed to having a reusable shopping bag in my purse and really don't hate the thought of continuing the habit in the States. I do have to take one thing into account: I have to go to the grocery store just about every other day, whereas people don't really do that at home.

2. Lower electrical bills.
Such a conservationist I am! Confession: the use of less electricity is also not exactly a choice. I use less electricity mainly because my light fixtures can't handle full-lightbulbage. For example, most of my light fixtures call for 3 bulbs to be complete. I almost never even try to put the full amount in; when I do, I can bet with almost full assurance that the next time I turn on the light, one or two of the bulbs will explode.

3. Public transportation.
I have a love-hate relationship with public transportation. It's terribly convenient sometimes (you don't have to pay for gas, you never have to find a parking spot, and you don't have to worry about being responsible for making wrong turns). It's also terribly annoying when you have to stand in the snow and wind waiting for the right bus or when you have to walk for a long time between bus stop and final destination. This results if less gasoline consumption and more exercise. Voila.

I feel like I'm helping make a difference...whether I ever meant to or not. :)

1 comment:

Kat said...

Don't forget about your very conservative bathtub. Having half of a bathtub really cuts down on water consumption :)