Saturday, January 16, 2010

I've done smarter things...

It's true. Today wasn't my most brilliant day.

The story will make the most sense to those of you who have heard me talk about my washing machine, seen my washing machine, or been lucky enough to use my washing machine. The thing is, my washing machine is very small. It holds very small loads and takes a looooong time to wash those very small loads. Today, I thought it would be a good idea to wash one of the twin-size comforters.

I KNOW. Like I said, I've done smarter things.

I should have been tipped off by the fact that I had to body-slam the door to get it closed. I then sat on the floor and watched/ monitored it for several minutes. I started to get worried when the strange noises, changed. The washing machine makes very startling noises when it works correctly, but this time, it was making ridiculously strange noises.

So, I panicked and tried to stop the machine. I did, but several wretched things happened. First, the washing machine would drain. At all. I had to wrestle with the thing to get the door open. Then, when I tried to transfer the comforter from the machine to the tub (the leprechaun-sized tub), I flooded the bathroom floor! The comforter was SO drenched that it poured water everywhere, covering the entire floor.

Current status? Trying to rinse the rest of the soap out of the comforter. It's going to be a long process.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Oh Erin, such a noble quest...You know that bathtub probably makes a better washing tub than bathing tub. You won't know what to do with yourself when you get back to the states and have a washing machine that can fit three pairs of jeans inside! Good luck on the soap removal!