Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Comforter Saga Finale

The Comforter Fiasco has been resolved. Here's what happened:

I had to keep wrestling with the comforter in the tiny tub, trying to rinse out the soap. This was quite arduous and took most of the afternoon (off-and-on). After I resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't be able to fully rinse out all of the soap, I began trying to wring out the water. Um, WHOA. If you've never tried to wring out a comforter, might I suggest that you maintain that status in life? It was such an intense workout for my arms...I'm still sore. I decided that it might be easier for me if I draped the comforter over the shower curtain rod before resuming my task. OF COURSE, the bathroom floor was soaked again as I moved the comforter from the tub to the shower. Just my luck.

I accomplished very little with this, so I decided to move the whole thing to the laundry lines on the balcony. Once I got it hung in the balcony, I realized that I had another problem: the dripping was going to cover the balcony floor in water. What to do...

Well, I have these tarps that the Rowlands left with me after this past summer. They used to put them on the ground for the kids to sit on for Bible stories and crafts. That's right, ladies and gentlemen- I used them to cover my balcony floor. Brilliant, right?

Not so much. I soon realized that the tarps quickly filled up with water, and the water then ran off the edges onto the floor. SO, every 30 minutes, I had to dump the extra water from the tarps into my mop bucket.

Are you kidding me?

It's finally dry and back on the bed. It will not be washed again whilst I have possession of it.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Just be glad that you don't wet the bed and make washing the comforter a necessity. SPeaking from the experience of a mom who has washed out many a comforter in the bathtub - one who now has a front loader that holds a comforter! And, of course, my children have stopped wetting the bed!!

Love you!!!
SeƱora R