Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just like Jill

I love Narnia. I've been a Narnia fan since I was a very, very small child and my dad would read them to us. I know a freakish amount of useless information from the series, and it played a major role in my senior thesis for college.

As I've gotten older and continued my life as a Narnia devotee, I've tried to analyze which character I am most like. There are four main female characters: Susan, Lucy, Jill, and Aravis. Now, not very many people really want to be like Susan; she thinks Narnia is silly, she always drags her feet, and she eventually gives up on it altogether. Lucy is so sweet and kind. Aslan values her and audiences love her. Jill is mercilessly teased in "our world" and muffs all of her tasks in Narnia, but she is friendly and gets to save Prince Rilian. Aravis is exotic and brave, full of courage and sassiness.

I've decided that the character I most identify with is Jill from The Silver Chair. I know quite a few people who find Jill annoying and whiny (which stresses me out, seeing as how I identify with her!), but I see in myself so much of Jill's character.

1. Jill feels the need to prove herself.
Jill unintentionally causes Scrubb to fall off of the cliff after they arrive in Narnia. Why? Because she wanted to prove her bravery...but it was a little too much for her. The longer I'm alive (especially here in Ukraine), I realize more and more that I'm constantly trying to prove myself. I'm not quite sure who I need to impress or why I feel it's important, but I do it.

2. Jill gives up her habit of repeating the "signs."
Aslan gives Jill four signs that she is supposed to repeat daily. She does a great job of remembering the signs at the beginning of the quest, but over time, as she becomes weary and frustrated and annoyed, she gives up repeating the signs. I find myself doing this all the time. My entire reason for living in Ukraine is to share the hope that I've found, but so often, I'm too weary from trying to dredge up Russian all day, frustrated by my lack of success at life in general, and annoyed by cultural differences that I just want to put off my quiet time until later. That's the same as failing to repeat the signs, which does the same for me as it does for Jill: muddies my thoughts and smudges my purpose.

3. Jill is often more focused on herself and her convenience than on her task.
How often do I get angry when my internet goes out for no reason or my water is cut off for a day or I have to change the lightbulbs every other week because they keep exploding? I so frequently let those very non-important issues to distract me from my actual goal and focus.

4. Jill has had personal interaction with and instruction from Aslan.
Now, as I learned when I did research for my thesis, Lewis did not intend for the Narnia series to be an exact allegory of the gospel. However, there are many parallels. In a collection of Lewis' letters to children, he writes this about Aslan to one little girl:

As to Aslan’s other name, well I want you to guess. Has there never been anyone in this world who (1.) Arrived at the same time as Father Christmas. (2.) Said he was the son of the Great Emperor. (3.) Gave himself up for someone else’s fault to be jeered at and killed by wicked people. (4.) Came to life again. (5.) Is sometimes spoken of as a Lamb…Don’t you really know His name in this world?

I know his name in this world, and like Jill, I've also had personal interaction with and instructions from Him. Also like Jill, when I do focus on the task at hand and don't forget to repeat the signs, I can accomplish things- not in a "prove myself" kind of way but in a "I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing" kind of way.

I really love Jill. I think it's because- despite all of the things that she does incorrectly- she refocuses and finishes well. Who doesn't love that?

What Narnia character are you?

1 comment:

em k said...

man. good stuff little er-bear. can i call you that?
i just finished the silver chair two nights ago. and jill stuck with me. especially the forgetting to repeat the signs, out of tiredness or being distracted by an immediate gratification here and now (like the promise of dinner with the giants). that is me right now. in the midst of realizing i have forgotten the things He is always telling me to remember. i have them written on note cards in my wallet - but never pull them out on the bus (which was my intention for putting them there) they are posted on my cabinet doors and walls in my apartment - but hardly ever get looked at. but i want to finish strong like jill too.