Monday, May 31, 2010


The other day, Amiee and I had lunch at the Rowlands'. Page and Amiee ran across to the store and bought a loaf of bread. The bread was really good, but we found this on one of the ends.

That's right: there was a moth baked into the crust. HOW did he get there? Don't worry...we made Robby eat that piece. :)

Another conundrum: pukh. That's what the Russian word for this cotton mess is. When the cottonwood trees bloom here, the air is full of what looks like snow, but it's really cotton-y seeds of allergens floating around. After floating, these little guys land and make it look like the ground is covered in snow again. It's quite a mystery as to how so much can be produced. I took pictures of a small area coated in pukh.

Thus the need for allergy medication.

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