Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Some favorite things from my time at home:

1. Casa Blanca Mexican Cantina!

So, this isn't a great picture of me, but it was the day after I got home...which was after 30 straight hours being awake. I don't do well with a lack of sleep. It was a fantastic Burrito Casa Blanca, by the way.

2. Driving my car! So liberating...

3. Hanging out at my house with my family.

4. Being there for Amiee's graduation.

Amiee pinning on Mom's corsage before graduation.

5. Seeing so many of my family and friends.

6. Wal-Mart.

7. Being in on news as it happens! Amiee's friend, Hayley, got engaged the night I arrived.

Hanging out with Hayley at a local bridal gown boutique.

8. Worshiping in English at church.

9. Eating Mom's roast, lasagna, and taco soup.

10. Sleeping in my bed. :)

So much fun was had! I loved being home with my family.

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