Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oh, Life in Ukraine

Well, it looks like I'm mostly over the illnesses. I'm still tired and weak, but at least I can leave the house occasionally, which is excellent because a volunteer team from Auburn, AL arrived last night! They'll be working with us this week, teaching in the schools. We're really excited. Rachel is extra excited because...drum roll...her parents surprised her by coming on the trip!

Unpleasant surprises: snow. Again. Friday, the temperature got up to 45, and we were ecstatic, thinking that spring was on the way. The next day, however, snow covered the ground. Sigh...

Second unpleasant surprise: my landlord called EARLY this morning to harass me about talking to my supervisor. He was planning to come right on over (while all three of us were basically still in bed), and I had to do some fast work to make sure that didn't happen. It did not start my day off happily. Grrr...

REALLY good surprises: all kinds of gifts and goodies from home! It was just like Christmas, as Rachel's parents unloaded all kinds of food and gifts. SO good!


Jaclyn.... said...

1. So glad you are feeling better.

2. weather...same story here!!

3. yay for american goodies! enjoy!

Brianna said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better!