Saturday, July 19, 2008


That's my English-rigged spelling of a Russian word (which means "goodbye," by the way). We leave tomorrow morning at 11:30. We're all packed and weighed and tagged and ready to roll. I've already written about my dislike of airports, so I'll spare you that. Hopefully, there will be no difficulties with luggage weight issues or transport of luggage from one aircraft to another; we'd REALLY love our luggage to arrive at the same time as we do. In tact. And with nothing exploded inside. Mind you, we've sealed basically everything in ziplock bags, but occasionally, things still explode.

We're excited about seeing our Ukrainian friends and meeting new ones. I won't be able to update while we're gone, but you can bet your britches that there will be many a picture and story once we get home. We get home on the 28th...give me a day to recover from jet lag, and I'll be up and running again.

Amiee and me tackling the shopping list!

Thank you for your prayers; can't wait to tell you the stories when we return!


Mindy said...

I'll be praying for your team while your gone and I can't wait to hear all about your trip when we get to FPO!

Brianna said...

I hope it goes well, you will be in our prayers!

Tiffani said...

We can't wait to hear about your trip!! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and wish you all sooo much fun! Love you guys!

The Goulet's From Anniston

Delete My Account said...

I miss you so much Erin and I really enjoy reading about all your exploits! ;) You are too funny!

Unknown said...

i hope your mom had some good coupons for the things on that list...