Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ukraine 1 + Ukraine 2 = all Ukraine, all the time!

Rule #1 of overseas living: things never pan out exactly as you plan.

For me, this means a complete change of overseas living destinations! So, to play catch up for anyone who may not know, I am now in the process of preparing to move to Ukraine. The story is quite long and twisty, so if you would care to catch up on the complete version, email me at, and I'll write you a novela.

So, this is me...documenting the process. This process actually starts with a week-long trip to Ukraine in July...Ukraine 1. Then comes the massive task of packing and eight weeks of formal training before leaving in October...Ukraine 2.

That's the really really REALLY short version. More to come...


Unknown said...

YOU HAVE A BLOG!!!! plus, i feel SO special for being the first person to comment. and i LOVE the best of both worlds! you are so witty! plus, we LOVE hannah montana (aka hona montona)!


oh, and please don't leave me for two years...

just kidding...

kind of...

Jennifer Ezell said...

Erin! I am so excited for you with your new adventures! I will keep you in my prayers! I love reading your blog about all your planning!
Jennifer Ezell