Thursday, June 26, 2008

Don't drink the water...

It's a pretty well-established fact that Americans should not drink tap water from most overseas taps: Mexico. Everywhere in Africa. China. Tap water isn't generally purified and taken care of the same way it is in the States. For the most part, I hold to that rule and am discriminatory in my choice of drinking/ teeth-brushing water, etc. when traveling.


Last summer, while in Ukraine, Amiee and I were at camp. We hadn't packed much bottled water simply because we were planning on buying water when we got there. Not so. We were quickly immersed into a "minimal fluids" lifestyle. For anyone who knows me at all, you should be very aware of the fact that "minimal fluids" just doesn't cut it for me. I drink massive amounts of water on a daily basis. We didn't know of any access to bottled water and had been warned about tap water because of geographical proximity to Chernobyl. Instead of parasite water, the taps would carry radioactive water.

I was SO good for about two days. I drank the tiny portions of hot tea and the tinier portions of juice...but then I cracked. My hypochondiatic brain kicked in and convinced me I was dehydrating. I couldn't take it any more. Amiee tried desperately to keep me from caving, but it was no use. I drank the water. Lots of it.

I now glow in the dark.

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